Friday, August 30, 2013

Conservation Status

A conservation status is something that shows or tells you how close the creature is to extinction. These are the conservation statuses for the rhinos.


EX= extinct (EXTINCT)
EW= extinct in the wild (EXTINCT)
CR= critically endangered (THREATENED)
EN= endangered (THREATENED)
VU= vulnerable (THREATENED)
NT= near threatened (AT LOWER RISK)
LC= least concern (AT LOWER RISK)

Black Rhino

Critically Endangered

White Rhino


Indian Rhino


Sumatran Rhino

Critically Endangered

As you can see, we are running out of rhinos due to habitat destruction and poaching. If you want to save our rhinos, if you come across this blog, please tell everyone you know about this situation and ask them to read this blog. I only ask you for this because our rhinos are in a very dangerous position and scientists say they could be all gone by 2016. We have spread the word and tell people and hopefully some people will give up purchasing rhino products. Please help us. Save the rhinos.

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